Knerten I Knipe

Director: Arild Østin Ommundsen
Writers: Kristin Skogheim, Anne-Cath Vestly (novel)
Stars: Adrian Grønnevik Smith, Åsleik Engmark and Pernille Sørensen
Story Line

All good things come in threes? 23 September 2011 is the third and final film about Knerten and brother. In "Knerten in trouble" you'll encounter some scary types, a surprise package and Little Knerten. And as if that were NOK disappear Knerten. Hear how the fantastic tale ending! Part description:
Everything has an end, but when something is over, it is usually the start of something new. In the third film about Knerten have Knerten, brother and his family moved from Gampetreff to Bessby, Knerten and Carolyn are parents and their luck is great.
Mother and father worried, however, that brother has not received any new friends, but brother do not like bully Gunnar and the other boys in the street. He would rather play with Knerten and the two make a deal to not have any other friends. Forever. Then disappear Knerten trace the square.
And when Knerten ports in trouble must be brother both use their imagination and unconventional methods to get him back. For the Next Three is not only a kind of stick, a root or a branch - he's a friend. While brother looking for Knerten he meets a Matglad police constable with a short fuse and he does his best to cope with bullies in the neighborhood.
When you are looking for something you find sometimes something else entirely. How is it brother also. "Knerten in trouble" is a story that is about new and old friends, a brand new Little Next Three and a fairly new disaster. It is a warm and playful movie with amazing animation and it's a brilliant ending to the Next Three-trilogy.

Release Date
23 September 2011
Production Co
Paradox Spillefilm A/S
71 min

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